
Adams National Park at Quincy MA?

  My brother, Don and I went to see the Adams National Park in Quincy MA . It is an amazing place filled with history. I took some photos of what we saw. Some of the photos are posted below. I don't know if this was part of the park but I thought it was really neat looking and included it with the other photos.  This is the Peace Field house. The stone library is located to the left of this house.  Here is a cemetary located in the downtown area of Quincy.  i Here is a statue of John Adams (John Quincy Adams?) in the downtown area. It is not far from Abigail Adams nearby.  Each of these pillars are made from one piece of granite. Usually they are made in parts but these are like the monoliths in Egypt in that it is one piece instead of being parts being stacked.  This is the church that has two generation of Adams buried in the basement in a really nice crypt. They have tours of the church most of the year (call to see if they are open before you go).  This a statue of Abigail Ada

The Library At Peacefield?

  My brother, Don and I went to the Adams National Park in Quincy MA. Part of the tour is the stone library at the Peace Field house of the Adams family .  I took some photos. There is a small area in it that one can stand. One could not even lean on the railing that was there. One could see the whole library from that one area and I thought it was truly amazing. I took a whole bunch of photos. It is not as good as being there. It is - in my opinion - way cool and amazing.  I used the camera app on my Samsung Z Fold 5 phone. It does a pretty good job of taking photos. I made sure the flash was off since it was a requirement before taking photos (flash photos were not allowed). 
  Frank Romano Museum of Printing 15 Thornton Ave Haverhill MA 01832 My brother and I came across this museum on printing. We were looking for a restaurant and saw this sign. We knew so little of it; in fact we didn't know it existed. We decided to go there before eating (the restaurant special started at 4 and we were early and the museum closed at 4). It was a short distance from the restaurant that we had planned to eat at.  The museum doesn't look like much since it is a simple design. We didn't realize the treasure that was inside till we got inside and had someone give us a tour. I was amazed how many early type of printing presses there were; from all years. They from many years ago to more recent.  I took some photos of the inside with its amazing printers. I will post some here and more in another post.  Here are some of the early printing presses. I think they are really cool. Here is one of the bigger ones. There was ones that were bigger and some that were small

Iron Pyrite - Fools Gold - from Hidden.Treasures.Abound from Abandoned and Forgotten Places.

  This is my latest win on eBay. It is from the YouTube channel Abandoned and Forgotten Places. The eBay name is hidden.treasures.abound. I had won different rocks / samples that they have put up for bids at eBay.  I think this is a cool way to support them and their adventures exploring abandoned mines and it is a neat way to have something that they encountered during their explorations.  I won this by luck and by God's grace. I put bids on their other samples but I was soon outbid for them. I am blessed that I won this one. I don't mind being outbid for the others since my loss is their gain.  Here are the three samples of iron pyrite that I won. I believe it is also called 'fools gold'. I think they are really neat. It came with two sheets of documentation; both signed by Gly. I think the documents is just as cool as the samples.  Here are the same rocks as the first photo but laid upside down when compared to the first photo. The document in this photo is the secon

My Rocks From Abandoned and Forgotten Places?

  I like to support the adventures of exploring mines at Abandoned and Forgotten Places via their eBay page - hidden.treasures.abound .  Below are rocks that I won the bid on at eBay at their page of hidden.treasures.abound . I think these (above and below) are long crystal pyrite. I think it is really neat looking. I have them in a bowl on display in my house.  I believe this (above and below) is obsidian rock. It looks really neat. I believe this is the rock they make different things from; cutting tools, arrow heads, etc.. I think this is the fluorite? I am not sure of the name. I think it glows under UV light? I think it is way cool. I was lucky to win the bid on this.  This is one of the papers that came with the rocks that I won a bid on. It has his name / signature on it. I think this makes it extra cool.  I totally forgot what this is but it is really cool looking and they are really big; bigger than the other rocks. It seems a lot but there are two photos for each rock. I use

Gly and Laura with / in Abandoned and Forgotten Places?

  My brother and I are fans of the YouTube channel Abandoned and Forgotten Places. We like to watch their videos on Wednesdays and Saturdays. They go to places / mines that we would never go to since we don't have their experience and we would not know how to explore them safely.  We are fans of their YouTub e channel - Abandoned and Forgotten Places . We explore the mines through them. We also like to support them via their eBay page. It is named hidden.treasures.abound . I have found their page doesn't always come up when I type it in but it works when I go to their YouTube page and click on their link. I hope this link works.  They also have other links there too. AF&P Merchandise   eBay .  Tip Jar Via PayPal .  Tip Jar Via Venmo . Tip Jar Via Cash App . Facebook . Instagram . Twitter .         These links can be found on their YouTube page . Some of the above are ways to support them and a way to be part  of the adventures.            I think the eBay part is the best

The Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh; A Classic Disney Treasury

I bought this book since it is Winnie the Pooh and it is from Disney. I wanted to read a Winnie the Pooh book and have found a few of them; this is one of them.  The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh; A Classic Disney Treasury I have found it to be well written and well illustrated. I really enjoyed reading it. The illustrations are like the ones in the movie on Winnie the Pooh. I have noticed it is different from another Winnie the Pooh book; one that has the complete tales. It seems this is the Disney version of the book; slightly different than the complete book. It is not different in a bad way but different in a good way.  I think one doesn't have to be young to enjoy this book (and others on Winnie the Pooh). I think it can be enjoyed by those of all ages.  Here is the back of the book. There doesn't seem to be much information on it.  I bought it from the Thriftbooks site. It was quite affordable. Since they sell used books; they might not have another copy. I am listi