My Rocks From Abandoned and Forgotten Places?

 I like to support the adventures of exploring mines at Abandoned and Forgotten Places via their eBay page - hidden.treasures.abound

Below are rocks that I won the bid on at eBay at their page of hidden.treasures.abound.

I think these (above and below) are long crystal pyrite. I think it is really neat looking. I have them in a bowl on display in my house. 

I believe this (above and below) is obsidian rock. It looks really neat. I believe this is the rock they make different things from; cutting tools, arrow heads, etc..

I think this is the fluorite? I am not sure of the name. I think it glows under UV light? I think it is way cool. I was lucky to win the bid on this. 

This is one of the papers that came with the rocks that I won a bid on. It has his name / signature on it. I think this makes it extra cool. 

I totally forgot what this is but it is really cool looking and they are really big; bigger than the other rocks. It seems a lot but there are two photos for each rock. I used the photos to be part of giving a positive review for the seller on eBay.

These are from different items that I bid on at eBay. I think it is way cool since these are things they found while doing the exploring of the minds. The items were up for bids at different times and not during the same week. As one can see in the photo, they are very well packed. They were shipped soon after I won the bid on them (there were many others that I didn't win the bid on but what I lose they gain - the higher bids going to support them in their exploring). 

I am posting this since their mode of transportation - Old Bob - is in need of being repaired and they need the funds to repair it. A great way is to go to their eBay page and big on items. This way you can support them and get something in return - assuming you win the bid (I am also bidding on different items too). 

I don't know how many actually read my blogs but I am hoping there are enough readers to really challenge me in bidding for these items. It would be so cool to be outbid for them; especially if it means it is a gain for Gly and Laura (the two explorers on the channel). 


2024 / 07 / 17 


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