B.R.I.C.S. ? Future Currency Logo of the B.R.I.C.S.?

 There is a group called B.R.I.C.S. - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - that united for trade (with some other countries that have joined or want to join). This isn't a 'pro or anti' this group. It is about what their common currency logo / symbol might look like. 

Actually it is a comical view of it since the groups name sounds similar to bricks; used in building things. 

I thought of the toy bricks by Lego. I thought, since it sounds similar to the group initials, I would start with that. Since so many currency logos / symbols have one or two lines through them, I would have two lines through this one. One line would just look odd; in my opinion. 

I have read that India might changed their name to Bharat (I might be wrong on this)? If they do change, the groups initials might be difficult to pronounce. How would you pronounce B.R.B.C.S.? It might sound like you are trying to spit on someone or sticking out your tongue at someone.

I was just thinking out loud. I sometimes like to design things and put them on paper and/or online. This is just one of those things.

2024 / 03 / 04


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