Bank of Antarctica?

 I came across this (not sure where - perhaps a video or a website?). It is the Bank of Antarctica. I found it intriguing and did a search for it. Duckduckgo search results. I found their website; Bank of Antarctica. From what I have found online, it is not really a bank but a way to fund and support research. Here is their about page. It seems they have more than just Antarctica bank noes at their store.

 Their Antarctica page

Their Easter Island Page

Their Kerguelen page

Their Fifty American States page

Their Galapagos page

Their Empire of the Maya page

Their North American Federation page

Their New Jason Islands page

The above is the lowest denomination for each section. There are other denominations with different designs. While not real money and cannot be used as such, I think it is really cool and would be really collectable. I believe it would help them too (not sure about this part but it does make one feel like your helping out if it is). 

Of the ones I checked (some are sold out and different denominations have different prices), the prices seems really good (depending on what one considers affordable or if one thinks they are worth buying). I like them since they are unique and I really like things that are different (just my opinion). 

They don't pay me to display the above. I might be paying them just to get some of their unique 'banknotes'. It would be great to - eventually - collect everyone of them; even though they don't have any real value except as something different and - potentially - helping some cause. 


2023 / 10 / 02


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