Tim Severin Voyage Series?

Tim Severin and the Voyage Series? 

25 September 1940 – 18 December 2020

I first came across Tim Severin in a video about voyage of St Brendan. It was on YouTube - part one
part two. I thought it was a fascinating video about the voyage of Saint Brandan. I was unaware of this existence till I saw the 2 videos. I learned about how the attempted and succeeded with their attempt to recreate his journey. 

I searched for a book on the St Brendan voyage. I found one on Amazon (actually a few on Amazon). Since I have a Kindle (or did since( it is now non-functional) and the app on my tablet (it started to fail so I am using the Kindle app on my phone) and bought a copy. After doing so, I found out he had a series of voyage books; all on different trips he recreated (built similar ships to those of history and made the trip himself plus a crew). 

1: The Brendan Voyage (1976-1977) The Amazon site for this book. 

2: The Sinbad Voyage (1980-1981) The Amazon site for this book. 

3: The Jason Voyage (1984) The Amazon site for this book

4: The Ulysses Voyage (1985) The Amazon site for this book.

5: The Spice Islands Voyage (1977) The Amazon site for this book. 

6: The China Voyage (May-November  1993) The Amazon site for this book. 

I found the above images online using Duck Duck Go search engine.

There is a brief description of his books on the Wikipedia site for Tim Severin. the links for each (in the name) is take from that site. Wikipedia - Tim Severin. He has many other books than just these. I want to check them out eventually and might do a separate post on them. 

As I read these (might be awhile since there many books of his), I will come back (hopefully) and post a review plus other information on each book plus other information (like if there is a video of it). 

I found all of the above on Amazon site and was able to buy all of them for a reasonable price (about 5 dollars each). They are now downloaded on my Kindle app as e-books which I am currently reading. I have found them to be fascinating. It is amazing how one video led to a book which led to other books on the voyages he took. He not only wrote on non-fiction but also fiction. 

I will also check to see if there are videos on the books. I will check YouTube and other video sites to see if there are any others on his books. 


2023 / 09 / 23


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